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+67 votes
in Q2A Core by
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I will be setting aside some time in a few weeks to work on Q2A some more. The few changes I already made will be part of 1.7 (instead of 1.6.4) as there is a change in the mimimum PHP version requirement (now 5.1.6).

So as with previous threads, please post the top features you wish to see in Question2Answer!

I do have a few ideas already planned, so there is no need to suggest these, unless you have a particular comment on them:

  • Switch to mysqli (already done).
  • Speed up loading of questions with many answers/comments.
  • Upgrade to latest CKeditor (v4.3).
  • Make default theme responsive (I believe Jatin will be working on this).
  • More flexible custom HTML areas (e.g. something similar to my Widget Anywhere plugin).

Thanks in advance for the feedback!

closed with the note: Old version
I want QandA to be avaivable for godaddy shared hosting.
To complete the list:
8. Feature Request: META description for custom pages http://www.question2answer.org/qa/35237/feature-request-meta-description-for-custom-pages
9. Make "Delete" Post procedure clear to all users - using the tooltip http://www.question2answer.org/qa/35259/make-delete-post-procedure-clear-all-users-using-the-tooltip
10. Implement the open source plugin on-site-notifications http://www.question2answer.org/qa/33712/free-plugin-notifications-facebook-stackoverflow-testing
11. Adding a date field to qa_uservotes http://www.question2answer.org/qa/35295/adding-a-date-field-to-qa_uservotes
@Juli Fier

Did you mean provided by GoDaddy or just usable period.  I am using GD as my hosting provider and it works great.
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# little contribution. I have been searching for the language php files that contain the language but couldn't find them.
# The script is hardest and badest writing to understand. I was wondering if I can use this script for other purpose other than question and answers. I wanted to use it  for classified Ads site. just to change the languages. Any help on this?
# Also recent topic is not a good ideal for someone who has opposite categories.
Example Like math category, english category,  physics category.
And someone who is only interested in math category the home will be mess. As he will be seeing threads on recent topic that does not warrant the attention and it might it might not be topic he really don't want to see.  There for while not including subscribe to categories that should be on recent topic.
I have seen a forum that has this on user profile to select and mark from with check box.
This subscribe category will be on recent topic.
# again a more mobile friendly and easy rich test editor area, as it is currently its not good.
Invite web crawling that scan user email address book and send friend request. Hey your friend is on xxx.com you might want to try it out. Just like linkedin.
# Statistics for total guest and user currently online and their current location. Total number of user visit for each day in a data base static view in form of calendar,  mention of user id. And there user will get notifications that his name has been mention.
# sticky. Sticky of topics
# announcement, admin global and category announcement
# 'New' in hyperlink at the end on each topic to take you down to the new post of the topic since you last visited the topic.
# Simple image attach.

119 Answers

+1 vote
Current version there is a option to close question with the selecting best answer.

In q2a 1.7 pls advance this option to close question after selecting best answer by Admin or upgrated member.
+1 vote

It will be great if we have an option to delete questions automatically which have no answers after selected time under selected categories.

Related Questions:



"delete questions automatically which have no answers" should be used with care². You don't want an automatic content remover :) ... This idea should be realized with a plugin not core.
Yes, you are correct. Hope to see new plugin soon. And please tell me how did you add superscript 2 for your comment? "used with care***2***"
² with my German keyboard it is the shortcut: CTRL+ALT+2

You also can hold ALT and enter the numbers 0178
[Test²] Thank you very much. It is working. This will be very helpful. Your second method is working for me. (You also can hold ALT and enter the numbers 0178).

If you can please answer following question for help others who have the same problem.

+3 votes
Make registration for an invite
+1 vote
Blog or forum. That we can speak about good things.
You can use the chat plugin for "speak about good things".
+1 vote
Allowing users to create groups would be nice. The owner of a group could then accept/decline request to join. It should then be possible to ask/answer questions within this group only.
+3 votes
1- An option for admin to prevent posting same question twice! Simply by cheching the title ( comparing it agains other similar questions if the title is the same simply stop posting it

2- Less cluttered ( less confusing ) user panel ( bringing all my activities, my questions, my accounts, my ... to same place. This is really important to give users a better expericence

Thanks a lot Gid and Scott
1. I did with a plugin, might release it soon with more options.
2. First step was finally taking by merging "my account" into the username, but true, it could be more transparent with better usability :)
would be very helpful! users are confused
+3 votes
please make  qa_db_read_all_values() & qa_db_read_one_value() override-able.
yes it should be :-)
Why do you need this to be overridable?
I think he want to cache DB query
Shouldn't he write his own function then and incorporate it into his plugin?
+8 votes

Can you add automatically post the question to FB, Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger, LinkedIn or Pinterest ?

See the screenshot

It's nice to post questions on social media at the time of questioning. But to have a little notice (in yellow box) like in the picture is also good.
OMG! its really really perfect idea!!
Yes, Great idea!
Very good idea, but this is definitely something for a plugin.
+2 votes
1) a custom language entry in qa-app-admin.php and a custom folder people that want to write a entire new language.

2) the ability to customize the url structure without overwriting qa-includes.  If you use a custom language you are still stuck with questions, answers, etc in the url structure (option #1).

3) an EASY way to unlist specific users, especially the super admin user from the user list.

4) The ability to either block the super admin's ip address or remove/change it all together.
1. Sorry I don't understand. Can you explain this better?

2. This can be done, see the QA_CONST_PATH_MAP in qa-config.php, more info here: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/19896/translate-in-my-language-a-few-urls-menu?show=19896#q19896
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1. So when you you want to add a translation to Q2A you add the  eight files to qa-lang and then add the abbreviation for your new language in qa-app-admin.php (as described here #1 http://www.question2answer.org/translate.php).  I was suggesting that a custom abbreviation be added here so that someone could just add a "custom" folder to qa-lang without editing the core php (as suggested in the comments of qa-app-admin.php).  In my case I wanted to change the menus and such of the site, replacing Questions and Answers to Discussions and Remarks.  Basically I would like to add a lang abbreviation to qa-app-admin.php called "custom" or something like that.

2. I figured out #2 today, sorry for wasting your time.
duce, if your language code is not there, let me know what it is and I can add it to the list for future versions.
YM2C: When developing plugins, I also ask myself regularly, should I put the translation in a translation file (normal user will not know how to edit it), or put them as qa_opt.ions in the qa_options table to be easily accessable by the admin section.

I don't know but maybe this could be a major change for v2.0 - to have all translations in the database so that the admin can change them as s/he wants :)
+1 vote
Please be consider about "In Built" option to print question with answers. Because current print plugin is not working with latest versions of internet browsers.

This option will be very useful.
+2 votes

Pls add option to make "Sticky Questions" under selected categories.

See plugin "featured questions" for this purpose.
Observed. Great.
+3 votes
Email notifications for activity in subscribed (Favorited) categories/questions/tags