After stopping all outgoing emails with the registration codes for 2 days, new fake accounts are not able to verify the email address and are also unable to post SPAM.
So I assume that there is not a bug on the code and unfortunately it seems that these are humans creating this accounts :(
Any creative solutions for this problem?
Original question
I am constantly having to delete face accounts inside my site.
After checking the users table, I see that some of those fake accounts do not have the email code generated.
Does the email code has to always be created or there is a bug that needs to be fixed on my site?

Edit: This are some captures I made on my server for a new SPAM, you can see a GET to register, then a POST to publish the SMAP but there is no GET to verify the email code, so they are somehow able to publish without receiving the email.
Note: This dump correspond to another user and not the ones shown above.

Data for first POST

Data for second POST:

Hope this helps to find the problem.
Edit: I have ReCAPTCHA enabled