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+3 votes
in Themes by
I am newbie to q2a and I have a doubt is it possible to use bootstrap3.1.1 in q2a template integration. Actually Our designer created a template using bootstrap, But I am little confused to integrate with the q2a theme. Please help me as soon as possible

Thanks in advance
Q2A version: Version 1.6.3

1 Answer

+3 votes
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Best answer

Yes it is possible . But you need more work to be done in the layer override . 

I am running this site in qa platform with bootstrap  . 


And also there are many themes are available in q2a for eg . DUDE , FlexArmor they uses BS3 as their base . 

To add the theme files or script files you need to override head_css() function

eg : https://github.com/amiyasahu/q2a-breadcrumbs/blob/master/qa-breadcrumbs-layer.php#L50

To add script files to the page you need to override head_script() function

eg : https://github.com/amiyasahu/q2a-sort-answers/blob/master/qa-sa-layer.php#L17


Hope this helps 


