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in Themes by
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I creating a bootstrap theme for my q2a website. In the process of theme integration I coded  the side panel [<div class="col-lg-4 side-adsbar mar-top-35">] first then coded the question list main content [<div style="margin-top:35px; " class="col-lg-8">]. It makes first loaded my side panel and after that only the main content. This things makes so many design issues. I edited my qa-theme.php file with main content [<div style="margin-top:35px; " class="col-lg-8">] and then sidepanel [<div class="col-lg-4 side-adsbar mar-top-35">] but no luck still no changes. Please help me to solve this issue

Many thanks in advance

Q2A version: Version 1.6.3
closed with the note: solution found!!!