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in Plugins by

I would like to allow some pages in the admin area for Editors (e.g. admin-pages).

So is there a option without core hack?
(qa_admin_check_privileges isn't overridable)
Q2A version: 1.7

1 Answer

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Some admin pages are available based on the options in Admin > Permissions. For example the moderating options open up the Admin > Moderate page.

To allow editing general options the user needs to be an Admin.

If you want Editors to change only some options the best method would be to write a custom plugin. A Page plugin should do it. Take a look at the example that comes with Q2A which shows how to make a form. Then check the user is an Editor when viewing the form and on submission.
thank you for your answer.
I don't want to restrict some options, I would like to allow a complete admin page.
e.g. Editors have full access on the page "/admin/pages" ( Administration center - Pages)