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After the move from http to https there are some images do not appear on my site


How can I solve this problem
Q2A version: 1.8

1 Answer

+2 votes
I can't find any images in the source code that are not appearing on the page.

Note that when you move to HTTPS you need to make sure the images you reference are also HTTPS. Q2A should handle this automatically and use https:// when the page is https://. But maybe you added an image with http:// by accident.
Hi Scott, what about images being uploaded previously to the site? I guess they continue to be "http". Is there any work around for this?
I declare it to solve the problem by raising the images to the site and other links you change her
moreover , you can do a force redirection of all http links to https , your cpanel will have this option , you can even do that via htaccess
How can I redirect old images from Http to https using any plugin or query for update ?
if you use cloudflare, it comes with a forced SSL option which would automatically do that
or you can force https through your .htaccess just a google search would return your answer

You need to change http:// to https:// in all the contents. Mostly REPLACE command in mysql, does this job for the content column of qa_posts table.