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+5 votes
in Plugins by
I'm now taking requests for plugins. Any plugins that are requested I will create free depending on the work it will take.

If you are wanting private work done please contact me via pm.

If you want to request the code for any of my plugins please also contact me via pm.

Comment below with your request
1. A Plugin for users Following / Followers is a must ( We are at 2016 LOL)
2. A Plugin that allow the Q2A to post on my Facebook page when a user add a new Question
3. A Plugin that allow users to save their favorite questions under different sections. Explain :
My forum is about Cars, Motorcycles, Trucks etc. When i like a question form cars, or/and motorcycles and  favorite it, it goes under my favorites page. It would be awesome if i had the option to create some sections there like for example AUDI, HARLEY and apply my favorite questions  from cars under the section AUDI, my favorite questions  from motos under the section HARLEY, etc.


10 Answers

0 votes
Dear Zak,

If it is possible, I wanted to request a plugin which assignes male or female avatars for newly registered users (based on their answer upon registry male/female). I started a topic about it: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/51699/how-to-make-default-avatars-based-on-gender.

Currently, you can assign only one default image or prompt the user to choose from a list of uploaded images.Thanks in advance!
yeaah ,,I  agree .. or some random avatar based on gender plugin ..
+1 vote
edited by


I'll give a few suggestions that I consider more necessary in Q2A. If you believe that you can develop some plugins would be very interesting.

- turn off downvotes

- User block user

- see favorite users in the user profile.

- receive private messages only from favorite users

(It would be very interesting to Q2A have these social, followers, block, etc.)

- top 10 best users of the category (more best answers) 

- Easier migration of a Q2A site to a new server.

I'm sure these improvements would please a lot in Q2A.

Thanks. I have many other suggestions if you want. :)

The most important plugin that q2a is missing is something to help fake/populate webiste.. create fake users,questions,answers import questions from yahoo answers ,reddit or some other website....
+1 vote
Hello Zak

I would like to have a poll system in side panel or other regions.

Q2A has a a poll plugin now but it is like a question and users have to open that question to vote.
+1 vote
Hey Zak,

If it is also possible, a lot of users asked if there is a way in 1.7 to exclude certain category, e.g. off topic from recent questions page (the home page of the website). There was a solution that seemed to work for earlier versions but not on 1.7. Here is a thread about that. Thanks in advance!

This is what users ask: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/45708/how-exclude-questions-specific-category-from-the-home-page

This doesn't work on 1.7: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/20785/how-exclude-questions-specific-category-from-the-home-page
0 votes
hello Zak i dont mind to pay you to help i need a help in creating moderators signup page so the user can choose to be a moderator  or a normal user
I can help you to develop this plugin , Please PM if interested
0 votes
I have been wanting a gallery plug in for a long time for users to upload their favorite pictures to share with everyone, I have seen other people that also want this...
the ability for each trusted user to have own folder on server and be able to use a file manager plugin to upload images and manage them?
Yes in a nut shell, The user would have the ability to create folders to sort their pictures as well as the ability to decides who sees them for example open for public viewing or friends only, The admin would would control the file types and sizes and have the ability to delete any that they feel are inappropriate...
How will user share links,  give direct links of images to public/friends? how are friends demarcated? I see a see a situation where only admin can specify who sees what
Well there would be no links involved, it would beset up so basically people that are added to their friends list would be able to see their pictures or they can make them open to all members of the board by clicking on their profile gallery for example You have a private gallery set up, if I were to go to you profile and click on your gallery I would get a message saying something you must a member of this persons friends list to view their private gallery, unless it was open to all board members then anyone can see it, it would have noting to do with links, this plug in would allow people to upload pictures directly to the server, hence the reason I said the admin controls the file types and sizes ...
0 votes
Actually here there are only 2 persons involved but there can be more persons can comment
+1 vote
Hello Zak,

If it is possible, I wanted to request a plugin which auto-post links to new added questions on Facebook fanpage. I mean, if user adds a question on my Q2A site, it will appear both on the site and on related fanpage on Facebook.

Thanks in advance!
+1 vote
Thanks Zak, how about a plugin to set privacy for questions? For example, I ant only my followers to see a question,or I want only subscribers to a category to see my question, or only registered/logged in users. Willing to pay for the plugin
Access the administrative panel of your website.
Click in "Permissions".
Viewing question pages: Registered users.
Save options.

Unfortunately, the other two options do not exist yet, but would be good plugins.
Thanks for the response, yes I'm aware of that option but that would hide all questions from non-registered users. What I was asking for is a question-specific privacy setting, so that the poster/author can decide who sees their question.
0 votes
I just want plugin image upload without editor . I really appreciate you , if you would make that plugin