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in Q2A Core by

I need to create an answer like this but Question2Answer doesn't keep the list numbers:

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Blah... blah...

  1. Four
  2. Five

More blah... blah...

  1. Six


The expected result should be shown like this:

      1. One

      2. Two

      3. Three

Blah... blah...

      4. Four

      5. Five

More blah... blah...

      6. Six

I'm using "properties of the numbered list" to change the default "1" to 4 and to 6 (according to the given example), but at saving time, the list numbers changed manually are reset to "1", so it's not possible to get the expected result!

Q2A version: 1.7.4

1 Answer

+1 vote
I have already answered this in Github some hours ago: https://github.com/q2a/question2answer/issues/470#issuecomment-262606922