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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
My installation of  Q2A is not displaying the "time ago" info. First i thought is whas beacause i use an advanced theme, but when i switch to the default template without a qa-theme.php file still no user and time ago is displayed below the question, How can i solve this?

3 Answers

0 votes
Could be a language issue, did you check using the default language file?

Also, perhaps you modified qa-theme-base.php without realizing? I've done that before. If you modified the base theme and aren't overriding a particular function, whatever you did will be in all themes.
0 votes
Perhaps the "Display age of user content" setting is off in the "Viewing" panel of the Admin interface?
0 votes

Found the error. I edited the language file and accidentally translated some code into Dutch blush

Thx again for the quick response!
