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After selecting Donut thme from drop down i am getting below warning message and theme also not working.

Warning: file_get_contents(/home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-theme/Donut-theme/qa-styles.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-include/app/admin.php on line 152

Warning: file_get_contents(/home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-theme/Donut-theme/qa-styles.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-include/pages/admin/admin-default.php on line 1018

Warning: file_get_contents(/home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-theme/Donut-theme/qa-styles.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-include/app/admin.php on line 152

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-include/app/admin.php:152) in /home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-include/qa-page.php on line 220

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-include/app/admin.php:152) in /home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-include/qa-page.php on line 377

So does the file exist at that location or not? (/home/subodhc/public_html/qtoa/qa-theme/Donut-theme/qa-styles.css)
No its not exist

1 Answer

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The most stable version is the one on the master branch, if I'm not wrong. The branches are very confusing and the releases are incomplete, as there is only one. If you download the master branch you should be fine: https://github.com/amiyasahu/Donut/archive/master.zip

Also remember to follow the installation steps carefully: https://github.com/amiyasahu/Donut/tree/master#installation

Specifically regarding the warnings you're facing it's been fixed in the 1.8 branch: https://github.com/q2a/question2answer/pull/539
