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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
I am in the process of creating my 3rd q2a page, all three pages running on the same DB.

Looking ahead, I fear that all sites using the same DB could lead to performance issues. Shared user table but all other tables are individual by prefix_.

Let's assume I will have 100k visitors per day in a few years...

Anyone has experience with that?
Q2A version: 1.8
are you using same db for multiple sites? how is performance? any issues do u see?

1 Answer

+2 votes
That is rather theoretical and depends very much on the speed of your database, no?

Should be easy to duplicate the database into three separate instances then though if really needed.

The you just set up an external auth using Keycloak or so (with one of the DBs as the user-backend) and install Open-Login plugin for authentification.
"Should be easy to duplicate the database into three separate instances then though if really needed." - Yes, but will it help performance? -- I have no handler for the shared userdatabase yet. Have you implemented this with q2a already?
No, I have not done so. Of course I mean separate instances on separate servers then, otherwise it will not make much of a difference. The only way I see it becomming faster on one server would be to move to a fully in RAM database like Redis.