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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
So far as I can understand it, the latest EU data protection requirements (GDPR) require me to delete all data for a user on request. Unfortunately, I don't see any mechanism in Q&A (I have 1.8.0) to delete a user.

There are other questions on this topic, with answers that say there is a "delete user" facility. But if there is, I cannot find it. If I go use the "Users" menu heading, I see a list of users and can look at a profile (the list of users would be more help if it had a search facility!). That has buttons for "Edit User" or "Block User" but nothing about deletion.  From the "Admin" menu, there is a "Users" submenu, but that is all about setting general parameters.

If there really is a delete user function, I'd be very grateful for advice on where to find it.
Q2A version: 1.8.0

1 Answer

+2 votes
Delete user button is available after he's blocked.
Ah, thank you!