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+2 votes
in Themes by

I trying to install question2answer theme (http://docs.question2answer.org/install/) and Donut theme (https://github.com/amiyasahu/Donut) but there is error "Stylesheet is missing

I also posted this problem on wordpress.stackexchange,com (https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/318467/removing-wordpress-theme-and-install-q2a-donut-theme)., but I feel this is relevant place where people can resolve this issue (thank to all of you for these help). 

> Plese help to relove this issue ?

Please note that I deleted all the default theme and files except question2answer theme from `wp-content > themes`

(domain from Godaddy and Hosting by bluehost.com).

Q2A version: Version 1.8.0
You seem to be trying to install a Q2A theme on a WordPress platform... which doesn't make much sense
Aren't you ashamed to copy an already used domain name?
hahaha, no , not at all.
then what should I follow next? @pupi1985
Now there is new type of error : "The config file could not be found. Please read the instructions in qa-config-example.php." , please visit: https://gateoverflow.net/
When I visit apperarnce > themes then it's "Stylesheet is missing." and same above screen shot.
Hi @pupi1985 , your above comment was very helpful. Thank you.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Mistakenly, I were installed this on Wordpress Platform which was installed by default by Bluehost.com.

To resolve this issue, you need to delete all content in public_html in file manager and upload you zipped question2answer then unzip it. Instablish the database as given instructions here: http://docs.question2answer.org/install/

Thank you,
