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in Themes by
Hi all,

I am new here - just trying to create a new theme.  Not having much success with getting admin to recognize it.

I have a new theme directory, named - details in css file:

    Theme Name: The Canine Behaviourist
    Theme URI: http://thecaninebehaviourist.co.uk/qanda/qa-theme/canine/
    Theme Version: 1
    Theme Date: 2019-08-26
    Theme Author: Michael Wright - The Canine Behaviourist
    Theme Author URI: http://www.question2answer.org/
    Theme License: GPLv2
    Theme Update Check URI: http://thecaninebehaviourist.co.uk/qanda/qa-theme/canine/


Admin doesn't see this - I seem to have 2 classic themes available to me.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


Q2A version: 1.8.3

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