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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by

Google announces the end of support for data-vocabulary from April 6, 2020!

so How To Fix “data-vocabulary.org schema deprecated” Error ?

3 Answers

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Best answer
No worry!
Q2A uses schema.org microdata. Your site is using this too.
Even if one day schema.org got butted, there will be something else. In this case, we look for the question view structure (let's say it can be in qa-theme-base.php) and then modify and override it in your theme (qa-theme/ThemeName/qa-theme.php).
meta itemprop="position" content="1"

how can I print the numbers here. I almost solved the problem.
Ideally, that line of code is for the category link anchored by the category name.
But amiyasahu's code does not have such variable for category. So, I would suggest you use it for your homepage instead.

This way, your link will appear on Google result like this:

Home > Why  can birds fly?
what is the correct shape of this links?
The first form when entering it gives that the page is not available
email me I will assign you seamless plugin codes or update yourself as in this link.

0 votes
I hope this problem is solved. I sent a message to ami via github. I think the managers left here.
+1 vote

The problem of "q2a-breadcrumbs" can be solved by the following method.

1.Rewrite the source of "Ami_BreadcrumbElement.php".

        public function _init()


            $this->_data = array(

                'breadcrumb_structure'        => '<li {{class}} itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" ><a href="{{url}}" itemprop="url" > <span itemprop="title"> {{text}} </span></a></li>',

                'breadcrumb_structure_nolink' => '<li {{class}} itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" ><span itemprop="title"> {{text}} </span></li>',

                'type'                        => null,

                'text'                        => null,

                'url'                         => null,

                'class'                       => null,

                'is_last_elem'                => false,



         public function _init()


            $this->_data = array(

                'breadcrumb_structure'        => '<li {{class}} itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList"><span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ListItem"><a href="{{url}}" itemprop="item"> <span itemprop="name"> {{text}} </span></a><meta itemprop="position" content="" /></span></li>',

                'type'                        => null,

                'text'                        => null,

                'url'                         => null,

                'class'                       => null,

                'is_last_elem'                => false,


The important thing is to leave the "content" value blank(content="").

2.Place the following JavaScript anywhere.



    $('div.donut-breadcrumb meta').each(function(i){





Now the number is written in the blank "content"(content="1" content="2"...).

It is automatically described as 1,2,3 ... in the order of appearance of "content".

If you look at the source with the verification function of Chrome, you will be able to confirm that the number is listed in "content=".

What if I am not using donut theme ?
<script> $(function(){ $("div.breadcrumb-wrapper meta").each(function(i){ $(this).attr("content",(i+1)); }); }); </script>
work only in browser

google testing-tool write error
testing-tool is an old verification tool.
Unable to interpret JavaScript.
Please check with the following tools.
