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in Q2A Core by
I am looking for an answers table. Where all answers are stored in the database?  

The qa_post table is available there but in this table, I can see the question title and content without any answers content.  

Tell me the answers table name or reference?
Q2A version: 1.8.3

1 Answer

+1 vote

Answers is in QA_POSTS

Thanks for your answer. I want to know one more thing, in which table question slugs are stored or slugs create by the title directly ??  Can you please tell me?
The question urls are dynamically created based on your question titles.


qa_q_path($questionid, $title, $absolute, $showtype, $showid) and qa_q_path_html(...) return the URL for question $questionid which has $title as its title. If $absolute is true, this will be an absolute URL, otherwise it will be relative to the currently requested page. To link to a particular answer or comment within that question page, pass 'A' or 'C' as the $showtype and the postid of the answer or comment in $showid. Otherwise, pass null or omit these last two parameters. The URL returned by qa_q_path_html() is escaped for output in HTML. Requires Q2A 1.5+.