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+6 votes
in Themes by
I have the "Open linked URLs in a new window:" checked, but my theme is not working.

What do I have to modify in my theme so this option works?

Q2A version: 1.8.5
It's a core feature, so it should work with all compatible themes (it does so with my own), but at the very least with the default themes. If the option doesn't work even with a default theme in your install then something else is amiss and you need to dig deeper. Are you using the default editor? Try removing all non-default plugins and see if that fixes the issue.
That is the thing. I don't want to dig deeper and inspect 30 themes to then discover how "maybe" it has to be.

That is why I ask: Where and how that needs to be implemented to make it work?

Any theme.
If I create a theme from scratch.
If the editor needs tweaks.

As you can see in the link above, other users have the problem and it happens in a lot of themes and installs. (I tested 5)

So I am looking for an official way to make it work as expected.

You're talking about the URLs inside the post's content, right? I hardly believe any theme would change that behavior. How did you get to the conclusion the issue is the theme and not a plugin?

I can confirm it works as expected in SnowFlat and Q2A v1.8.6
Like I said, it works fine in a default install. Did you follow the advice I gave you before and remove/disable all non-default plugins? Did the issue persist after that? Can you provide evidence (e.g. link to an example post), so that we may take a look ourselves?

1 Answer

+2 votes
you can try editing in html, just add target="_blank" in your link, eg:

<a href="blablablawebsite" target="_blank">blablabla</ a>
I believe you don't know what I am referring to. I will not go and edit 800 questions and answers with links.

I need that the option of the core works in the theme and what I am looking for is to know which file or files from the theme need that modification.
