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in Q2A Core by
With some plugins I need to delete certain events from table qa_eventlog.

However, since there is no "id" column, I cannot safely delete the events.

What was the design (performance?) decision not to add IDs to the eventlog table?

And would it be safe to add the ID column?
Q2A version: 1.8
Again, how would you determine that the row with ID 557 is the one you want deleted? You can use the same criteria for actually deleting the row.
Furthermore, deleting from that table suggests you're selecting from it. That's probably the underlying issue. It's better for plugins to create their own tables
Having several plugins using the qa_eventlog table as a central table for reading events and displaying what is going on in the forum.

In general (that was my initial question): Is there any performance issue if adding a unique id column?
You mean other than potentially breaking code that relies on the table being defined as it currently is (e.g. for inserts)? No.

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