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I need to hire an experienced and highly competent developer to implement a question2answer site for me.

Anybody know where I can find one?

2 Answers

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I hired a program group from Elance to create a custom theme for me.  All the programming isn't quite complete, but I am happy with the work so far.  They are

4 Ace Technologies

I would still go through Elance as you can escrow payments and stuff and have the ratings system as additional leverage.

How'd the work turn out, do you recommend 4 Ace Technologies? Thx.
http://www.healthstatus.com/qa/ you can take a look at it.
Thx. I presume they charged an hourly rate rather than a project rate? I actually posted the project on Elance (didn't invite that particular contractor though) and got a lot of declines. Seems that a lot of developers are weary of something they are not familiar with.
They worked for me on project basis.
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Dear Sir,

I can do it for your site professionally .If you dont mind contact me at any of the following address :

www.mygk.in@gmail.com       /  admin@sarkarjobs.com

Ref : My Question and Answer site :

