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When I click the Add Comment button, it sometimes doesn't appear to do anything, but internally the comment has been added. When I click it again, I get a message that states, "it appears this is a duplicate" and the screen refreshes.

Happens in IE8 and IE9.

Q2A version: 1.5.1
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Sorry, our site is behind a firewall. I'll see what else I can do.
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@gidgreen we're seeing the same issue, but with IE 9.  Have not tested with IE 8 yet.  We are also behind a firewall, I'm afraid.  I do think the f.slice error appears when I try to post a comment with too short a length.  The Jquery error pops in the status bar but Question2Answer still appears to run and presents you with the error message about your post being too short.
Is this problem still happening on this site? I'm don't seem able to reproduce it. This may be because jQuery has been updated to 1.7.2.
I have not seen either error since upgrading to the latest JQuery (at the time, 1.7.2).

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