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+4 votes
in Plugins by
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Note: Please do not mix up this new plugin with Plugin: Most Active Users per Week or Month.

I am developing a new plugin now, that takes the real userpoints into account.

Beta example on my site Gute-Mathe-Fragen.de see widget "Klügste Köpfe 06/2012" on the right.

Still testing!


PS: The plugin will create an extra table "qa_userscores" that stores the user points for monthly intervals. And you will need to set up a cronjob.


Update: Plugin Releasedhttp://www.question2answer.org/qa/16425/new-plugin-best-users-per-month-release-call-for-beta-users

give me one more week for the release, thx )
Alright, after a lot of testing, and some fixes, it is nearly prime time.

I sent you, MeMe and bishu a message with the link to pre-test the plugin. Thanks

After this is done, and I get two okays, I will release the plugin!
Although I did not get the okays yet, I released the plugin:


feel free to use it :)
Sorry, i was busy past days... i gonna try your plugin soon! Thanks for your great job!

2 Answers

+1 vote
I have already use your first version. It is very interesting and helpful to my site.

Thanks for your contribution.


The more future which I would like to sugess is -

1) To show the previous month top users. ( So that every user knows who got the prize last month)

2) To show the Total Point with the Current Month Point as 1545 / 7 (So that we can know the total poiint as well as the Current month point)

3) Automatic email to the user as his position / status change.
Like your 3 suggestions. Showing previous month is nice and when you do a "most active" members contest it's important for the admin to see the winner(s) from previous month (otherwise admin can't see who won the contest!)

A weekly/monthly/yearly/all-time leadingboard would be great too!
then you have to store the data in a table of the database for each interval.

This is what I am doing in the new plugin (of this post's subject), and live at gute-mathe-fragen.de

However, need a bit more time to be sure it works correct. Thanks.
echteinfachtv.... please can you post this beta version for us to test out? thanks
will do so on 1 July. I need to see if cronjob is working well, then release the plugin. Please be patient, thanks.

I also need some more time to code the "page" for this plugin showing best users of past months, i.e. users will be able to choose a specific month and it shows the best users of this past month.
I would like to give some more opnion on the plugin -

TOP User of the plugin will be showing on the Widget and It will be nice if the Past TOP User will show on a separate Page.

Can we add some more option in the plugin as -
To find the TOP Questioner of the Month
To find the TOP Answerer of the Month
To find the TOP Commentor of the Month

So that we can give out the prizes for different categories.

N.B. I hope it will be fine if we mention the prizes given to the user in the TOP user History Page.
guess you are talking about:

This plugin here is "best-user-per-month" regarding overall userpoints.

PS: To divide the points into top q,a,c would be possible.
I am not talking about the active users.
In this plugin I would like to fine out the TOP user who got highest point from asking question. (including the voting on question)
and also for answer and comment too.

NB: Is it will be possible to mention the prize given to the user in previous month. So that other users can easily find out who have got which price in a particular month.
Alright. Let me first finish a basic version that works 100%.
Thanks echteinfachtv
0 votes

a great plugin,and if u can add admin panel to control if or not show this week top users, last week top users, this month top users, last month top users, that will be perfect.


1、i didn't find where is prize show, maybe sth wrong?  or the next version will add it !

2、$localcode = "zh_CN";  i'm from chinese, then how can i moderate localcode? and where i can find the localcode list?

I guess you are talking about the "most-active-users-widget".

However, this post is about a new plugin that I call "best-users-per-month", and that takes and saves the real user points. It will not use the event-log data!