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+6 votes
in Plugins by

Isn't it possible to implement syntax highlighter plugin here? It is very difficult to post code and view code. I am strongly in favor of that.

I also would prefer to have Markdown editor. Scott already made nice plugin which can be implemented.

I think we could give it a try ;) especially because we have programmers here and not "normal users", we actually do not need the wysiwyg editor...
Hi Jatin , I think It is possible to add a code highlighter with the CK Editor . I will give a try . And we could use highlight.js or pertify.js to highlight the code .

1 Answer

+2 votes
Hmmm... I want the Q2A Q&A to also be a demo of the core platform, so I'm not sure I want to start showing 3rd party plugins, since it will confuse people who download Q2A and find it works differently. But if there is a lot of demand for this I will think about it some more.
I agree,

However, since Q2A has separate demo site, user can check default stuffs over there. Or at least if you can activate Source button in the existing editor that also can helps to write code.