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How to fix this issue? If you are logged into a page on facebook you get this giant whit box. Happens on this site currently

You can reproduce the issue on this site right now.
You can only reproduce this if on the facebook account you have setup you also have a facebook page setup under that account.

1) Register on q2a with FaceBook If you are not already registered with q2a through facebook.
2) Log into q2a using FaceBook login.
3) Return to facebook and click the "gear" icon in top right of header.
4) Choose to "Use facebook as" one of the pages you have set up
5) return to q2a site. (may have to refresh)
6) See issue

But it looks like I have another issue to resolve first...
I cannot switch from the facebook profile to the facebook page using "use facebook as" !!
Can you switch on facebook among your accounts ?
(from profile to page)

When I try switch I have always white page !
I have to clear the browser cache and log into facebook again...

(and I've not navigated to q2a yet....)
Wow !
I've got the blank square as in your image too.

But I've just gone to q2a main page :
without clicking anywhere....

I think there is some correlation with the facebook button (??)
(I've had time to inspect the layer with the google dev tool for a couple of seconds before it disappeared)
When the blank square disappeared also the fb button disappeared !
I'll do some more tests....

However I have to say I had the blank page also without going to q2a.....
But I do not know if the root cause is the same.....
same problem here, i am quite sure it is a facebook issue, not q2a.

1 Answer

0 votes

I confirm the behaviour....

I switched between my FB profile and my FB page  using the quick switch link


as suggested here

(since I had a problem using the "use facebook as" function as per my comment)

When I access to the q2a home page (without being logged and without clicking on anything), a white square loads over the page replacing the facebook button 

and after some seconds it disappears.

I can also notice the warning "fb:login_button failed to resize in 45s" at all.js:56.


The blank "square" :



some more infos from google developers tools :





This code is what sets it's size and it is 1000px x 1000px

<iframe height="1000px" frameborder="0" width="1000px" scrolling="no" name="fe6efc3d023f16" allowtransparency="true" title="fb:login_button Facebook Social Plugin" style="border: medium none; visibility: visible; width: 0px; height: 0px;" src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/login_button.php?app_id=158644244176280&auto_logout_link=true&channel=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.ak.facebook.com%2Fconnect%2Fxd_arbiter.php%3Fversion%3D28%23cb%3Df191d979d25af86%26domain%3Dwww.question2answer.org%26origin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.question2answer.org%252Ff2cc49608891632%26relation%3Dparent.parent&locale=en_US&login_text=%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20&sdk=joey&size=medium">
Does the "use facebook as" function *alone* (that is, without dealing with a q2a website) work for you on FB ?
I cannot get it to work.
On new pages that I've created for testing purposes, but also on older pages I have (and on which I remember I could switch easily...)
I see many issues around :

Can you use it ?
That is can you switch back and forth among your FB accounts ?
I'd like to do some tests with a "clean" facebook environment, that is with Facebook *working*
Yeah, I can switch between my accounts/pages on FaceBook no problem.