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in Q2A Core by

i have 4 site's. and i try intregation wordpress and q2a. 3 site's ok, intregation no problem but, only 1 site have problem like this: 

[28-Jan-2014 19:07:01 UTC] PHP Question2Answer MySQL query error 1146: Table 'limes_demare.qa_options' doesn't exist - Query: (SELECT 'options' AS selectkey, title, content FROM qa_options) UNION ALL (SELECT 'time', 'db_time', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()))
i dont understood why, i have this problem.
Q2A version: 1.6.3
Are you the same person asking the other question,
If the IP of this user is same, I think that the anonymous user doing the "multi-post" by another name should be banned. This is a basic manner of the general bulletin board.

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