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a broken image start showing up under question title and under category view

I have no idea what I did wrong or something is not compatable????



It says (under question title

q2a-market-12458-advert (Number is question number)

or category view


I believe below code is the one that displaying under question title in the question page

            <!-- Start Q2A Market page advert -->
            <div class="q2am-page-advert 12461">
                <a href="1" >
                    <img src="1" alt="q2a-market-12461-advert" >
            <!-- End Q2A Market page advert -->


Also have to post this to



Q2A version: 1.6.3

1 Answer

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If you're having issues with a broken image then you might have misconfigured the image full URL field (or misplaced the image itself). This is what the docs say:

Image Full URL:
Place full image url for the image advert leading with http:// (e.g http://www.domain.com/adverts/demo-advert.jpg)
I'd advise you to take al look at the rest of the documentation too: https://github.com/q2amarket/q2am-simple-adverts#simple-adverts
Hi pupi1985,
I do not think anything to do with that one...
I am not using any images with that plugin...
I use adsense code and they display OK... no problem

These broken image start displaying yesterday but acward places
explained above...
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I don't actually know either... it is just a hunch :) If you have the simple adverts plugin in your plugin folder then you're using it. You'll have to disable it from its admin options or, in case that doesn't work, you could REMOVE the plugin from the qa-plugin directory.

EDIT: Based on the code you've pasted above I can confirm the answer is correct. Clearly you ARE using this plugin as that code is the same as the one of the plugin: https://github.com/q2amarket/q2am-simple-adverts/blob/master/qa-adverts-layer.php#L110
I have added more explaining on the question take a look at it again.. please...
Thank you for your help...
Nothing to do from my side... the ball is in your field now :) Follow the steps in my previous comment and report back.
I am using the plugin, but only for adsense, I do not have an image advert...
That's what I am saying... Trying to figure out why it is displaying extra image tag somewhere else... !!!!

I have posted what I see in my config page in the question view.... There is nothing wrong with configuration nor I can put anything into it...

Only paste my adsense cod and activate the plugin...

Plugin showing ads correctly put also displaying some other image tag somehere else...

It looks to me some other problem or NOT compatable with something else!!!!!
I see now what you're trying to do. It seems to be a bug with the plugin. Follow these steps:

1. Enable the Image Advert checkbox
2. Delete the values you've set in the 2 fields that appear below it once it is checked
3. Disable the Image Adevert checkbox again
4. Save the settings
5. Report back
I did exactly what you suggest, but still those tags are showing up....
Then I have removed the plugin

Tags are finally disappeared....

Then I have reupload the plugin

and they are back again...

What should I do?
Best thing you can do is to contact the developer of the plugin and ask for support. This might be a bug... so it might make sense to create a ticket in GitHub's issues section: https://github.com/q2amarket/q2am-simple-adverts/issues
Thank you for your help, ticket has been opened...
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My case, I use only adsense therefore temprorarly I removed this code:
            <!-- Start Q2A Market page advert -->
            <div class="q2am-page-advert '.$template.'">
                <a href="'.qa_opt('q2am_'.$template.'_advert_destination_link').'" >
                    <img src="'.qa_opt('q2am_'.$template.'_advert_image_url').'" alt="q2a-market-'.$template.'-advert" />
            <!-- End Q2A Market page advert -->

It is working... :)