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+12 votes
in Plugins by
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At first, I would like to thank to bndr. I was remodeling his plugin. This plugin is very powerful.

Download: https://github.com/sama55/q2a-caching

This is BETA release. It might have issues. Be careful!! If possible, tell me performance report on your environment.

  • [2015/07/31] First BETA release
  • [2015/07/30] I updated from V0.6 to V0.7. Now issues is here.
  • [2015/07/27] I updated from V0.5 to V0.6. Now issues is here.
  • [2015/07/25] I updated from V0.4 to V0.5. Now issues is here.
  • [2015/07/23] I updated from V0.3 to V0.4. Now issues is here.
  • [2015/07/21] I updated from V0.2 to V0.3. Now issues is here.
  • [2015/07/18] I added issues page in my github repository. Please add issues that you detected in it. I thank you for your cooperation.
Q2A version: 1.7
Thanks for your work @sama55...:)
I will surely test this today and will update the result here.
@Gurjyot: I'm looking forward to working with you.
where is the list of all the registred events ? I need still to understand the QA mechanics before offering help. Coming soon ...
Sama55 my site 404 page not found after 2 views page code 200 (OK).

i see 404 page not found.
after one page views my site i see code 200 OK
Hello sama... I tried the plugin and it surely worked... It reduced the load time from 2.36s to 1.56s (without enabling javascript compression)... its a considerable change...
After enabling javascript compression the load time went to 1.35s...
Hi @sama55, amazing and amazingly needed plugin.  Surely will help with google, as the users coming in from SE's are mostly unregistered.

Quick comment:  Why not use cache_lite which is tried and proven for file caching instead of writing a custom one. This should simplify things?
@Leo Thank you for cooperation. I added issues page in my github repository. Please add issues that you detected in it.
@yerbol I can not understand well. This plugin is still a prototype. Please do not apply to the production site.
@Gurjyot Thank you for cooperation. Yes, I already know problem about compression. When we compress HTML code, CKEditor will also be in error. There will be problems about compression logic by regular expression in original.
@steven2 Thank you for cooperation. To use the external high-speed program (e.g. PHP accelerator) is good way. But, cache_lite seems to be dependent on PEAR library. In addition, their effect is less than internal cache algorithm.
@sama55 Will the right shows the number of question views count? After enabled plugin.
I can understand your worry a little.However, I want a specific phenomenon. Please report to the issue that it has actually happened.
Thank you Sama, please keep improving it. will be very helpful plugin
I consulted to Gideon. And plugin was updated to V0.6. Plugin have a lot of problems. Many of the test would be required. I hope to your test.
So you stopped development of this pluggin?

4 Answers

+2 votes
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Its nice work. Thanks Sams55.

I was one question. How i disable qa-notice-close-button botton. 

My site Performance test.

after enable

Thanks for your investigation. Please refer to issue.
I disabled this feature (welcome bar) in caching plugin V0.3.
@yerbol89kz What tool did you use to test the performance of your site? What are those screenshots from?
Thank you yerbol89kz
apparently Sam stopped development of his plugin
it is great that you have that many visitors for your website
+2 votes

In SnowFlat theme in Home page login in not work.

Thanks for your investigation. Please refer to issue.
Try it in V0.3.
@Yerbol I changed form (CSRF protection) logic for Q2A form in V0.5. Could you test again V0.5 in your sensibility?
Thanks for your cooperation.
How can you add an exception this login form. Now its dont work my site.
I use last V1.0 [2015/08/08] version
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What error is logged in error log of your web server? The entire page is cached in this function. Therefore, it will not be able to process only the login form as an exception. And, in the future, I would not see much this site. So, please submit to issues on github OR ASKIVE.
+2 votes
Hello @Sama55... I was testing this plugin with some other plugins and found that if this plugin is enabled and user is signed out then he can't see your "count down clock widget". But if the user is logged in then he can view the clock.

Mainly the clock hides but heading and text below heading in that widget shows all the time.
Thanks Gurjyot. I understand issue of CDW widget. Logic of cache plugin is so simple (Entire page is cached in specific file). Therefore, plugins to handle the exact time will not work correctly. Probably, this issue will not be resolved.
Thanks for your reply... I was searching on wordpress and came to know that count down widgets work great on wp, even with cache plugins. Can't it be done in the same way for Q2A as well...??
Please explain me cache logic of WP. WP native cache? Super cache? W3 total cache?
I think it is W3 Total Cache plugin...
I am investigating this problem now. Come to think of it, it's strange that does not work correctly. If always subtracting the current time from the end time, it should work properly. I'm using jquery-yycountdown javascript library. Processing of this plugin seems to be incompatible with cache... I want to hack this javascript library. But, that work might be ahead.
+1 vote

Many problems were fixed. And program quality has been improved at V0.7. Beta version might be early released unexpectedly.

Currently, I am doing compatibility test with addons (themes and plugins). This plugin is related to many features. In particular, addons to display POST form in non-login state might not work correctly. e.g. Login form, search form, submission form, etc.

Therefore, I recommend that users who want to install this plugin do compatibility test beforehand.

I suggest everyone to conduct tests on the "activity" page too,  as the activity page gets updated more frequently.
@Sama thank you for fixing many of the issues
Thanks Waterfr. This plugin will be related to all of the Q2A pages. As a special page, there is XML-sitemap. This plugin also caches that. And, search results were also cached in V0.7. Since this is overkill, I prevented it with V0.8. Anyway, since still many problems might have potential, this plugin must be tested in a variety of fields.