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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
Some users of my site give upvote and remove. Then give upvote again and remove. Again and again.

The purpose of this is to generate tens or hundreds of notifications and disrupt the user (persecuted) view notifications of messages and comments.

It would be interesting if the vote were impossible to change, to avoid this.
Q2A version: 1.7
Good point. Funny thing is that those guys are by definition spammers :/

1 Answer

+1 vote
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Best answer

There is no setting to do so. You'll have to modify code. This can be done with a layer (or even modifying the theme) and an override. However, here are the corehacks with the changes.

1. Edit qa-include/qa-theme-base.php

2. Locate function vote_buttons and edit it this way (this sets up the user interface and is just for cosmetic purposes):

Turn this:

case 'voted_up':
    $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '+', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-voted-up');

case 'voted_up_disabled':
    $this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '+', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-vote-up');

case 'voted_down':
    $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '–', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-voted-down');

Into this (just add the double slashes):

case 'voted_up':
//    $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '+', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-voted-up');
//    break;

case 'voted_up_disabled':
    $this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '+', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-vote-up');

case 'voted_down':
//    $this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '–', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-voted-down');
//    break;

3. Edit file qa-include/app/votes

4. Locate function qa_vote_set and add this:

if ($post['uservote'] != 0) {

Before this line:

require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'db/points.php';

Great answer, Gabriel!

Thank you very much!