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+16 votes
in Plugins by
closed by

After posting some of my plugins here I have received some request to develop some plugins and I realized that many people have are have needs of certain plugins that are currently not available. So if you want a plugin that has not been developed or poorly done feel free to answer here with such demands. Use images, links and good descriptions. I am currently working on a number plugins as well as maintain them

My plugins can be found here https://github.com/JacksiroKe?tab=repositories&q=q2a+plugin&type=&language=

My paypal is https://paypal.com/jacksiro and Starting Price: $ 40

Q2A version: 1.8
closed with the note: am no longer active on this
i want a chatroulette plugin videochat same as omeagle
can make me random question page?

19 Answers

+1 vote

Suggest edits - currently, the Q2A site only allows granting users complete access to edit question/answers/comments without any limit. This is a strong privilege, but for the development of your Q&A site, you should have an easy way for all users to improve questions & answers. This is where suggest edits would come to place. Users could still suggest edits to the post, but it would be placed in the moderation/approval queue (could be the same as approving new posts or a separate one).

Reasons for flags - configure reasons and allow users to select a reason for flagging the post. The selected reasons should be displayed for the admin/moderator somehow (in the flagged posts queue and perhaps directly in the post)

Notifications to rejected/removed posts - allow maintainers of Q2A site to enable notifications when any of the users' questions are rejected/removed. This would send an e-mail to the author with the removed content. This should likely also introduce a custom reason for rejecting/removing that is also sent in a notification.

Ah, great. Didn't know there's one. Awesome!
+1 vote
A plugin that allows admin/mods to sticky/pin questions to the top of all the other questions.
Q2A already have that plugin. It's known as Q2A Featured
Thanks @Gurjyot Singh
0 votes
i need plugin for notification

such as facebook
I think there already is one such a plugin on github
0 votes

For my Q&A site I need a plugin that allows questions to have multiple selected answers and not just one.

Say a user wants to have multiple recommendations and select the suitable ones from a set of given recommendations. For this the site must be able to have users select multiple answers as the correct ones.

Secondly I need a plugin that allows answers to have extra fields just like questions similar to this plugin except I need extra input fields to answers and not to questions:


Yeah that is very much possible for the second plugin but we can discuss on email
Sounds good!
The first one is not possible to implement?
0 votes
I want a Plugin related to pay users.

Also try to develop a good editor that should work on all devices.
As for the first one it looks very complex since I dont understand what you mean by that.

For the second one there is ckeditor and markdown editor
0 votes
Interested in a plugin that allows you to exchange points for real money. For example, an administrator sets an exchange rate of 1 point equal to 1 dollar. The user in the account makes an exchange by indicating his or her wallet paypal, paeer, webmoney, Yandex money or any other wallet that he has and the administrator redeems these points at the rate of paying real money to the specified wallet. This will be a super plugin.
That's not very difficult but neither too simple. This should be done by using the bonus point feature of Q2A and ensure that the total points stay above a threshold or even 0. This is because other points are calculated dynamically. But I don't have much experience with wallet and this should be country specific. Like in India UPI is the straightforward way as it is free and supported by Google, FB etc and money goes directly to bank account -- naturally every user prefer this.
but here you need a simple form for each country, millet form for a wallet, someone uses webmoney, someone uses Yandex.Dengi, and uses another paypal. Here it is necessary that to please everyone that's all.
Yes. That's true. "Payment method and username" -- and admin can add which all are supported and plugin need not worry about which and all needs to be supported.
That's what I’m talking about, can someone realize this?
0 votes
I want a plugin like facebook profile lock system. With this plugin any q2a registered user can lock his/her profile page so that nobody can view or steal his/her personal information just like facebook. And every user can lock or unlock his / her profile in anytime when he/she wants.

Can anyone make this plugin or help me please...?

Already I have developed some plugin by editing other q2a plugin just surf here  

I made a plugin that closes a site https://github.com/JacksiroKe/q2a-closed-site but what you want looks like a customized version of the same. Its possible to do that.