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+9 votes
in Q2A Core by
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I think some features like Quora should be given in Q2A

Some of amazing features Needed in Q2A are:

- User can request another user to answer a specific question.

- Push Notification feature should be added in core.

- User should follow tags and category and receive updates on any question and answer posted on the followed tags and category.

- Just like email verification there should  be mobile number verification through OTP after registration.

- Currently in Q2A we can follow any question and user but we do not get updates through email regarding any activity on the followed question. So, user should also get email regarding updates on followed question.

- Featured question feature should be added in core.

- Verified account feature should be added in core like in quora.

- Current search feature in q2a is not optimum. We do not get exact search result in q2a. So it should be improved.

In current Q2A version point feature is of no use, I mean we simply get points on answering any question but user can not use their points for any other purpose.

So points should be used in such a way that will lead more engagement between the users and Q&A too.

There should be default awesome theme in Q2A just like Flarum and Discourse

Q2A version: 1.9
Like what exactly? This post is not very helpful without some actual suggestions.
I think he is referring to making people follow some tags, email them questions to answer, ask expert options etc.
Agree with you
Scott , maybe in one question you can ask us what can be or not and we can write what could be
Thanks with respect.
I just got your notification and want to say few things.
-For "Category" we can give permission to users and level can change but all levels has same rights.That can be improve more.
-There could be "Tag management" for tag too like "Category management"
-People who moderator or other could be shown on http://localhost/categories page beside the category.
-Last is that when someone new here and want to use q2a , this platform has to give him all installation without problem for first using.
I can tell many good things more if coders want.
Thanks  with respect.
I have added some most important suggestion on features updates. Please see.

3 Answers

+5 votes
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Best answer

Some of amazing features Needed in Q2A are:

- User can request another user to answer a specific question.

- Push Notification feature should be added in core.

- User should follow tags and category and receive updates on any question and answer posted on the followed tags and category.

- Just like email verification there should  be mobile number verification through OTP after registration.

- Currently in Q2A we can follow any question and user but we do not get updates through email regarding any activity on the followed question. So, user should also get email regarding updates on followed question.

- Featured question feature should be added in core.

- Verified account feature should be added in core like in quora.

- Current search feature in q2a is not optimum. We do not get exact search result in q2a. So it should be improved.

In current Q2A version point feature is of no use, I mean we simply get points on answering any question but user can not use their points for any other purpose.

So points should be used in such a way that will lead more engagement between the users and Q&A too.

There should be default awesome theme in Q2A just like Flarum and Discourse

+4 votes
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These some suggestions that ought to take its into consideration

-After you sign up in Quora, from time to time you receive notifications that here are some questions you can answer 

I found somebody ask about restaurant in my city and I can answer him easily and provide him a lot of information he need , So the suggested question taken from my information that I provide while signed up in Quora

- It is so necessary to collect similar interesting together , so it can be done using tags like Reddit which every tag will be an interest and has its logo , search field ,theme color etc ..



and stikeoverflow


and this can be done by creating tag system so 

  • Somebody search for an information and arrive Q2A website coming from Google then ,If he click ASK QUESTION button the new question will take the tags automatically from the visited question tags
  • Admin able to set colors for each tag page Q2A.com/tag , and Icon as a logo and many other feature
  • provide users easier way to select tags like this   https://prnt.sc/jo17iw

these some ideas about collecting similar interests, if the notes considered I can do deeper search and reviewing websites .

0 votes
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i agree with you smiley 
