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in Q2A Core by
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I use SCEditor and I want to use this editor in private messages and wall posts, i tried some solutions but it didnt work :(

Q2A version: 1.8.1
If I linked the plugin correctly, you'll just have to create the same editor for private messages and wall posts as well

var textarea = document.getElementById('id-of-textarea');

// Instead of selecting a unique ID, select multiple textareas, like this:
var textarea = document.querySelectorAll('#message, #answers');

If this is not the SCEditor plugin you're using, please edit your question and be more specific.
First of all thanks for your answer, yes. I'm using sceditor. I read and studied what you said, but I did not understand what I could do. can you give me more detailed information? Thank you..
I'm trying a solution like this, but it doesn't work.
First step - make this change in the layer.php page of the plug-in (http://prnt.sc/rzkptv)

The second step - to make this change in the core message.php (http://prnt.sc/rzkqkl)
but unfortunately it does not solve my problem :(
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sorry i understand what you are saying now. but I am using the plugin at this address. Can you help me?

Next time please check on the plugins listed on https://docs.question2answer.org/addons/
I've edited your question with the correct plugin.

1 Answer

0 votes

You should search for something before asking a question about it. 

I already made a plugin for that in 2018 https://www.question2answer.org/qa/66014/new-premium-plugin-private-message-adapter

My Private Message Adapter plugin adds an editor of your choice on the private message and feedback pages, including support for HTML messages.
