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First remember that you may not get  everything ready-made that you would get in the shared platform.First you have to prepare the Google Platform by installing PHP and its extensions, MySQL etc.Then you'll be able to transfer you website to Google Cloud Platform.
Are you using it ?
No.I don't use it exactly for Q2A.But I used it to run other software and make it accessible to my clients
Currently I have 2500 visitors per day on shared hosting.. should I move on cloud hosting?
For 2500 visitors per 24 hours, In my opinion you've no need to move to cloud storage unless you don't want to share your servers with others.If you want not to share your server resources, You should may get a VPS or VCS
Ok...at how much visitors per day should I upgrade my hosting because currently it is working fine but somewhere I heard that hosting also affects SEO.
If you need, you can increase your resources by contacting your hosting provider.But renting a whole server for just an php software is not needed in my opinion.A blog containing 8000's of post can easily be acceed with 128mb of memory.So its not essential unless you want to make your server secure and unique (from resources).
Thank you so much you solved my problem. I was in so much confusion between shared hosting and cloud hosting. but you are right currently shared hosting is best for me , maybe I will update resources.
You're welcome.Feel free to ask anything.We are here for helping each others.