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There are no social buttons on my website. Due to which the SEO check result on my site is very low. Now how do I add socail button to my site?I want to add social buttons to the bottom of the content. Someone help me.

Q2A version: 1.84
In Layout tab of your admin settings page, you can insert custom HTML code that shows your "social icons".
Just a basic <img> tag that shows the icons, and the anchored link to your social media account.
You are using some social share plugins, you can even "exploit" them.

<span class="btn-share with-icon"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ABCD" target="_blank"  class="social-share-btn btn-social btn-fb" title="ফেইসবুক"><i class="social-icon-facebook"></i> ফেইসবুক</a></span>
<span class="btn-share with-icon"><a href="https://twitter.com/ABCD" target="_blank" class="social-share-btn btn-social btn-tw" title="টুইটার"><i class="social-icon-twitter"></i> টুইটার</a></span>
<span class="btn-share with-icon"><a href="mailto:abcd@ABCD" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" class="social-share-btn btn-social btn-em" title="ইমেইল"><i class="social-icon-envelope"></i> ইমেইল</a></span>
Thanks bro...

1 Answer

0 votes


It looks like this. I basically don’t like to see this kind of view. I want to show the grid view.

It's just icons and links, you should do it by yourself.
Brother I don't know coding. It would be nice if you could do a little