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in Themes by

I've created this pull request today: https://github.com/q2a/question2answer/pull/896

Everything is explained there with images. If you want to give it a try just follow these steps:

  1. Download this Q2A version https://github.com/pupi1985/question2answer/archive/refs/heads/patch-142.zip
  2. Extract the SnowFlat theme
  3. Change the SnowFlat directory to whatever you want (e.g. SnowFlat.test)
  4. Edit file qa-theme/SnowFlat.test/metadata.json and change "name": "SnowFlat" into "name": "SnowFlat.test"
  5. Upload the SnowFlat.test directory to your server
  6. Select the theme in the admin/general section

If you face any issue, feel free to let me know.

For RTL languages, I realized things were a bit wrong (according to my understanding) in the users section. I've made several tweaks there and as far as I can tell, it looks better than before. If you can provide some feedback on that, it would be great.

That's very nice . Snowflat does suffer from small font size issue (only on mobile) for mathjax. Since it's only on mobile, we couldn't get more debug info. Even using Android user agent and small window size, issue was not reproduced on desktop.

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