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in Plugins by
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Just reporting a minor issue with documentation for Advanced Search plugin.

Q2A version: 1.8
closed with the note: Wrong place to ask
I'm closing this question as I answered it there in the link. Remember to avoid using this site to ask for paid plugins' support, specifically if there already exists a ticket tracking system associated to the BitBucket repository.
Hi pupi, I feel we should allow paid plugin support queries here because it kind of increases the plugin reach and also informs everyone about the usability of the plugins. You and Chun are the only 2 plugin maintainers here who actually updates their paid plugins regularly (please correct me if there are others). But if the interaction about those are stopped here, it becomes harder for new users to get to know of them. For ticket tracking - yes, I'll update the issue there.
Even though I really appreciate the good intentions behind your actions, using this site as an issue tracker for paid plugins is not appropriate. Users who are not interested in buying my plugins don't need to spend time reading questions about them. It's unfair to them. However, I do consider having a SINGLE post to tell the community about the availability of the plugin as a fair move.

PS: Facing the first bug, 5 years after the release, and even a documentation bug... I'm not sure if I should be proud or angry at myself :)
Thanks Pupi. Actually my suggestion was to avoid the issue in your PS :)
Now we are having listing of even paid plugins in Q2A docs. Unfortunately we dont have a way to know which all of those paid plugins are supported well unless we know the developer :)

"Users who are not interested in buying my plugins don't need to spend time reading questions about them. It's unfair to them."

Then the whole internet is unfair :) Also no one is being forced to read the post -- its clear from the title what the post is about. Anyway if discussion of paid plugins is not allowed here (other than one parent post for it), I would request it to be added as a rule and mentioned in docs so that every developer follows the same.
I said "I do consider having a SINGLE post to tell the community about the availability of the plugin as a fair move". I never said that was a rule to follow by everyone, only me :P I'd allow any not-spammy advertisement of plugin releases. Issue tracking, is a different thing.

Regarding publicly accesible plugins not being updated, if there is a concrete bug reported in the site, I almost always fork the plugin and fix it. You can take a look at my forks here: https://github.com/pupi1985?tab=repositories&type=fork . Many of them are more updated that the original repository (e.g. the latest one was the Ultimate SEO plugin, which I updated last week)