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+2 votes
in Plugins by
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I'm getting a lot of spam and I would really like to use a captcha plugin. Unfortunately, q2a only comes with Google's recaptcha.

What other captcha can I install that only works locally, no Google? I'm looking for a stable plugin, no "beta" code.

I would also like to suggest this as a feature for q2a. Local captchas do not need 3rd party services to work.

2 Answers

+1 vote

Here are a few anti spam plugins: https://docs.question2answer.org/addons/plugins/#anti-spam-tools

The AntiBot Captcha by Krzysztof Kielce seems to be working fine, after all these years :)

It calls itself "beta" and it doesn't appear to be maintained anymore, so it doesn't really feel trustworthy to install...
I believe that condition you are mentioning should have been part of the question.

Considering it does make a difference to you, this plugin doesn't claim itself "beta" https://github.com/amiyasahu/q2a-logical-captcha
OK I've updated the question.
The "q2a-logical-captcha" does not seem to work "locally", in the sense that it requires an external 3rd-party service.
0 votes
This one is also working good for the latest version of q2a
