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in Plugins by
is there a way to remove the Q2A sidebar? It would be particularly useful if it was easily customizable through a plugin to allow for larger body designs.

Alternatively, can the content in the RHS sidebar be customized? to remove or add content / HTML?
Q2A version: 1.5.2

1 Answer

+1 vote

add this to qa-theme.php inside the class:


        function body_content()

            $this->output('<DIV CLASS="qa-body-wrapper">', '');

            $this->widgets('full', 'top');
            $this->widgets('full', 'high');
            $this->widgets('full', 'low');
            $this->widgets('full', 'bottom');        
            $this->output('</DIV> <!-- END body-wrapper -->');


having // before the function wont let it be executed.

Thanks, I'm surprised it's not a configuration option in admin that I missed.

Having the "example_page" plugin default built into source code has really helped me understand what the hell is going on.
can you tell me how to remove the sidebar from specific pages like tags,users, login etc ?