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I have a clean install and I am not able to recveive any mail.

Feedback form says succesfull and no mail comes in.

Lost password says mail sent and no mail comes in.

I assume that none of the mails sent from the site will work.


How can I fix this ?


Q2A version: 1.5.4
Anyone has a solution for this ?

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
I changed mail after a lot of installations and now it seems its working.


The strange thing is that all notifications worked fine, but not the feedback form...
0 votes
First I would suggest you to check your server log if any issue with your mail server. Also if you are using SMTP for mail than you may need to cross check with your setup.

Required some more detail about your mail setup. Without that it is very hard to diagnose the issue
No errors in the server log and I am using local.

How should I have it to make it work ?
If I enable smtp I get this in the error log: "PHP Warning: fsockopen(): Failed to enable crypto in /var/www/vhosts/site.com/httpdocs/qa-include/qa-class.smtp.php on line 122, referer: http://site.com/feedback"
Using local mean localhost? like development environment?
No, the text says, use SMTP instead of local mail. I meant that for local. So, in local nothing happens, using SMTP the site throws an error and the log gives the above.

have you set Send SMTP username and password too? If yes than check by disabling that option.
I tried both, local does nothing and no error in the logs, using SMTP throws the error above. So none of them work.
That try to change port to 587. It may works
Nothing, no mails at all...

How is it supposed to work ? Its the first script I tried that does not work out of the box sending a simple mail.

Can you provide a screenshot of entire page? You may hide ( blur ) your smtp settings.
There is not much to show.
mail to use for send: xxx@mail.com
admin mail:  xxx@mail.com
Check in notifications.
Check for feedback form.

That says successful and no mail is received. (I tried 4 different mails)

Using SMTP instead of local:
The same as above plus:
port:25 (and tried other 3)

I got a server error. "A server error occurred, please try again"

The thing here is that I can install any script you name and it works without any problem, thats why I ask if there is something special needed for this.

If notifications don't work, I cant use this and I will have to look for something else.

This error usually occur when your SMTP setup is not properly been done.

I before asked you to check by NOT USING "Send SMTP username and password" remove user name and password and uncheck above option and tell me what happens.
What I say above.

Without SMTP it says successful and no mail comes in.
With SMTP server error.

Why if I install lets say wordpress and I add a contact form it works in the first click ? (no smtp and no nothing it just works)
Question2Answer send email without using SMTP also. That is a feature if you want to use else you can turn it off and it will send email using localhost ( mail script / host I believe ). Did you try sending email without using SMTP at all?
So, the option without SMTP does not work at all and its there just because ?

I will try with more mails, more accounts, etc... to see if I can make it work.

if I send a user a private message, he receives a mail telling he has a new message, but feedback, etc... does not work....
I am sorry but I didn't get you properly. Are you saying that without using SMTP system sending email and use receiving as well? But you want SMTP for specific reason? Sorry!

I want it to work, it does not matter how. But I want it to work in every aspect, not just in some.

Feedback form.
Option 1 as default (NO SMTP)
- Feedback form says successful but no mail comes in.

Option 2 using SMTP
- Feedback form says server error, obviously no mail comes in.

So the feedback form does not work, it doesn't matter the config.

I this case I would suggest you to check with your host provide once to see if everything is fine at host side.
Because if you installed Q2A properly ( which I believe yes you did ) than system should send email for everything without using SMTP and even SMTP should works.

Also wait for others reply.
If I install a forum system, a mail php script, wordpress or anything, mails work. Thats the thing.

Feedback does not work and private messages for users work, that is a script problem and not a hosting one.

I manage the hole server and I see no problem at all there, I have no errors in the log, so its just the script not working.

Will try to catch the problem.

Oh I see.. Lets see tomorrow.. its being late here
Thank you pixelngrain.
Did you get any solution? If yes than post here for reference who have same issue in future.
No solution yet. I will dig into it to see whats the problem.
Still looking into this. Any advice ?
+1 vote
In this thread, the information about your environment is very important. If there are no details and right information about it, it will be difficult to obtain the right advice. I recommend to install other CMS(ex: WordPress). It is because transmitting process of e-mail of PHP system is almost same. If e-mail cannot be transmitted by other system, problem is depending on server.
Every other single CMS and script works fine.

I changed mail and it work, really strange that my own admin mail is not working there.