I was once reporting on this issue here: Best Answer selected two times / select → unselect → select
Again and again I see this "double event" occuring, so I consider, this must a bug.
As I am writing in this post, it might be an Ajax related bug... especially because 6 events from one user happen in 1 second°!
Especially, as I disabled best answer voting using Jquery. So after chosing best answer, the button gets disabled and hidden. Even when the user visits his question again, he cannot click on best answer anymore (hidden by JS).
Note: Couple of months ago I realized that users can still select another answer as best, which unselected the previous selected answer. I removed this as well but still the same double event.
Here is an example of events in the same second that you might find in your eventlog table as well:
userX |
in_a_select |
parentid=18551 parent=array(66) postid=18553 answe... |
a_select |
parentid=18551 parent=array(66) postid=18553 answe... |
userX |
in_a_unselect |
parentid=18551 parent=array(66) postid=18553 answe... |
a_unselect |
parentid=18551 parent=array(66) postid=18553 answe... |
userX |
in_a_select |
parentid=18551 parent=array(65) postid=18553 answe... |
a_select |
parentid=18551 parent=array(65) postid=18553 answe... |
Anonymous NULL asked. userX gave the answer.
Any idea how to solve this bug?
Adding 2 screenshots from today, 2013-06-06, bug: