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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by
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From 1.6 on we have the option "Editing posts silently:" under admin/permissions.

To clarify: Does this option hide the notice below a question "Edited by ..."?

If so, it does not work with v1.6.2. Even anonymous visitors get displayed this edit-by information.

Her you can see it: http://www.klaustukai.lt/2/starting-a-wonderful-forum-that-will-help-all-lithuanians
If I'm not wrong, it works for me. I can edit a post as an admin and I do not see "Edited by" in the post metadata....
I've set (and tested) the permission for moderators and admins
Do you have the recent v1.6.2 installed? Have you visited your site in the browser's private mode?
I've 1.6.2, I've edited a question  as a moderator and as an admin. I've logged out and surfed as an anonymous user. No "edited by" info was visible. I also tried with the Chrome incognito mode (browser private mode) : same result. I cannot reproduce the issue you have. The feature is working on my installation. Have you tried it on a "clean"  1.6.2 installation too ? (I mean, without any additional plugin)
I thought your tip regarding the plugin (I have edit history installed) might solve it. But it did not :( I removed the plugin folder, loaded the page anonymously and still I can see the edit notice.

Yes, I installed 1.6.2 yesterday, fresh and clean. no core hacks.
I've tested it here :
it seems to work....
If you go now (before it is deleted) you can see my test...
Really strange. I disabled all plugins, still there. I chose the default Snow theme, still there. Now I am kind of lost :)

I report back if I find the source of the bug. Thanks for your help!
I think you are doing it already, but I ask to you all the same, just to exclude :-)
When you save your edited post, do you flag the option "Save silently to hide that this was edited" ? :-)
Ahhh hahaha! how funny, this is the solution! =)

Using q2a for 2 years I did not think of an extra field that could be there!

Post your comment as answer please, I mark yours as best!

PS: I think there should be a global option to always hide edits. This was my first core hack 2 years ago... and 2 years later, it seems I have to hack again :(

1 Answer

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As Kai_echteinfachtv has asked it to me :-)

I post the solution to the issue :-)

If you have/want to "silently edit" your post, you must check the option "Save silently to hide that this was edited" before saving.



I'd like to make my compliments to Kai_echteinfachtv for his plugins, I think I will use 3 of them !


Hope that gidgreen will make a global option that this field will not be necessary anymore.
Follow up: www.question2answer.org/qa/41325/remove-checkbox-silently-hide-that-this-edited-from-answer