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in Plugins by
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I have setup the facebook application correct for my site : http://islamicwisdom786.com/

Still clicking on the facebook login button opens the authentication pop up and closes causing the page refresh but nothing towards user login.. frown

Can someone help me pls??

My facebook settings are as below,

Display Name :   Islamicwisdom786.com

Namespace :    islamicwisdomqa

SiteURL : http://islamicwisdom786.com/

App domains : islamicwisdom786.com


Tried 1.6.2, 1.6.3 both gives the error?? 


Q2A version: 1.6.2, 1.6.3
what's your q2a "Preferred site URL" value ?

2 Answers

0 votes

Install Facebook Login v1.1.5 by Question2Answer which allows users to log in via Facebook.

Click on the link Option And add the following you got from Facebook Apps

Facebook App ID:  Add here.

Facebook App Secret: Add here.


I think he's already using it :-)
Yes I do use Facebook login plugin sayog.com.. :(
+1 vote
check that your "Preferred site URL" value is equal to the "SiteURL" value

(and is not for example : http://islamicwisdom786.com/index.php )
Thank you for your input Maxjtechno but I have ensured both in fb as well as plugin configuration is same

not in the plugin configuration, but here :

Admin---> General ---> Preferred Site URL

what's the value ?
the value is http://islamicwisdom786.com/.. PFA the screenshot
check that your CURL is correctly installed.
put for example this php :
under your docroot and invoke it :
On the result page search for the "curl" section.
Do you see it ?
cURL support     enabled
cURL Information     libcurl/7.18.2 OpenSSL/0.9.8g zlib/ libidn/1.8 libssh2/0.18

This is what I can see there.. so it is enabled..
Any errors printed on your error_log file ?
if you do not see any error on your error_log try to replace your base_facebook.php with this one :
(curl logging enabled; search the string "maxjtechno")
and see in the output on your error_log if there are any errors...
where can I find error_log file..? I couldnt find one inside qa?
I have replaced the base_facebook.php file with yours but I am unable to find the location of log file. Do I need to configure this somewhere?
it's the error_log of your web server. Are you using cpanel ? I think that there is a log section where you can see it
check also on the phpinfo.php if the entry "error_log" has no value or if it has a value.
(generally speaking you should also have log_errors = On and display_errors = Off , and error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED )
i am using https://cp.freehostia.com/ cpanel. I havent find an option to check my error_log in it.. :(. However I have configured eventlogger plugin but in that there is nothing logged neither no log files created in the logs directory configured..
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You are right I checked the phpinfo in which I could find below info
(You can access this @ http://islamicwisdom786.com/phpinfo.php)

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
display_errors                 On    On
display_startup_errors         Off    Off
error_append_string    no value    no value
error_log    no value    no value
error_prepend_string    no value    no value
error_reporting    6135    6135
html_errors    On    On
ignore_repeated_errors    Off    Off
log_errors    Off    Off
log_errors_max_len    1024    1024

I modified log_errors Off to On in php.ini..
Anything else should I change? also what will be the log directory I can expect to have the logs created?
It's important that you can access to your error log file to understand what's happening  behind the scenes
Found the log ?
Check also that your Facebook App is "live", that is :

- Status&Review panel (Facebook) --> switch on YES (the slider on the right)

If you do not check it you can only login with the account that is the owner of the app (that is you cannot login with other FB accounts).

(however you should receive a message on a FB popup)