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+5 votes
in Themes by
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I remaked Classic theme with LESS and Bootstrap (V3.1).

The biggest characteristic of this theme:

This theme is using Bootstrap without changing HTML code. If theme changes HTML code, many third party plugin to intervene in layer will not move definitely. I hope that existing most plugin works on this HTML5 theme definitely.

Method to change color: Edit qa-styles.less

@import "qa-styles-color-bs-blue.less";
//@import "qa-styles-color-bs-green.less";
//@import "qa-styles-color-default.less";
//@import "qa-styles-color-green.less";
//@import "qa-styles-color-red.less";


This is experimental action for Q2A core.

Development condition (Memo):

  • - V0.3: Add qa-theme.php, Use 1 javascript.
  • - V0.2.2: No change HTML tag, No use Javascript (Limit to decorate with Bootstrap)
    CSS size: Classic (23KB [Unminified]) >>> A-Classic mixin (134KB [Minified]) ...
    Deflated download size: Classic (5KB) >>> A-Classic mixin (20KB)

Development histroy:

  • [2014/02/14] V0.3: Support responsive design (Many problems still exist)
  • [2014/02/14] V0.2.2: Support BS compo (Nav, Pagination, Alarts, etc), Font-Awesome
  • [2014/02/13] V0.2.1: Support BS CSS elements (Button, Input, Table, etc)
  • [2014/02/13] V0.2.0: Support Bootstrap (Color scheme only)
  • [2014/02/13] V0.1.0: Support LESS.

Related article: Change Base theme (HTML4 >>> HTML5)

Q2A version: 1.6.3
haii sama, can you make bootstrap snow theme? thanks
Jatin will be suitable for it than me.
but Advanced-Classic is very wonderfull.. i like it.. but this theme havent notification plugin?

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hey Sama

Any updates on your bootstrap theme? I have been looking for bootstrap theme for q2a?
I develop FlexArmor2 now. Approximately 75% of development is over. The member of ASKIVE knows FlexArmor2.
Yes I am also seeking to find the theme integration using bootstrap3.1.1 .Now I have a bootstrap template, is it possible to make a theme with that. Yup, guys I am little confused. Please help me to reach the goal