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hi all,

i had taken a linux shared hosting on godaddy.com. i followed all the steps while installing the version 1.6.3

but i am getting the error "Table 'databasename.qa_options' doesn't exist". i had tried for almost 7- 8 times but i am keep on getting the same error on the click of button "create database including user management"


please advice its really frustating now. if require i can share my godaddy cpanel credential. please help.



robin das - 9768540930
Q2A version: 1.6.3
Did you copy in the plugin folder any external plugin before installing ?
I had the same problem. The reason was I did not enter server host correctly in config file. After I corrected it is now working fine. Give correct infomations to db table, db name and specially sever host name. To find correct server host name contact the Godaddy support team.
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As the error message says, it cannot find the table. So the database config might be wrong.

PS: I would not go for godaddy if it comes to hosting. Only if it is a small simple project, that can be slow...
I think that if you do not enter a correct server host you cannot connect to the db either...
Here the connection to the database has been *successfully* established, and a query is being executed (but the query does not find a table).
Here's a link to a similar issue :
No external plugins must be "installed" before initializing the q2a database
Another possible thing to check is that the database *user* has all the necessary grants : "create table", and so on.
But in this case in the error_log there should be another error too (before this one)..... .

1 Answer

–2 votes

the issue is that the server is not allowing to create tables through web. so i hosted in local and copied the tables in the hosting server and it solved.
@robindas, glad to know you've solved your issue.
But I've not understood your problem and how you solved it.
What do you mean with : "the server is not allowing to create tables through web"  ? How did you "copy" your tables ?