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Hello All ,
I have developed a new premium plugin , where a logged in user can ask a question by hiding his identity (Note - Special users can see who have asked the question ) . This is one of the best plugin I have made for q2a .
Why you need this -
Most of the q2a websites dont like to unregistered users to ask a question .
There might be several reasons for that , some times to avoid spam , some times to avoid unetical question .
On the other hand , so many users want to ask a question by hiding thier original identity for other users (question without showing their username )
The default q2a system , it is allowed to ask a anonymous question only at logged out state (only if allowed from the Admin)
This plugin is a fills the gap .
This allows registered users (ofcourse loggedin state ) to ask a anonymous question .
It adds a checkbox in the askform , which can be checked by the user if the user want that question should be a annomous post .
Also there will be a button on the question page to mark the post as anonymous for the eligible users . Also it can be unmarked which will show back the original user name anytime when ever the user wish to do so .
Advantages -
- Not a single core hack
- No changes in the post database .
- The changes will vanish once the plugin is uninstalled
- Special users can see who has asked the anonymous post
- Special users can mark/unmark any post as anymous (can be disabled from admin pabel )
- reduce in question count for the user profile
ie no of que = total no of q - anonymous posts
- Option to hide user name of the asker in the subscquent comments oh his own anonymous post .
- minumum point required to ask a anonymous post (can be configured from admin panel )
- button to clear all the anonymous flags at a single click from admin options
- high performance (less aql queries per page load )
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Screenshots -

In the Ask form - one field is added

in the question page

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