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+2 votes
in Q2A Core by
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So i edited a_item_content function because i had to include voting buttons right next to content for styling issues ($this->voting($a_item);) so my code looks like this:

public function a_item_content($a_item) 
        $this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-content">');

////my added code starts here
        if (isset($a_item['main_form_tags']))
            $this->output('<form '.$a_item['main_form_tags'].'>'); // form for voting buttons


        if (isset($a_item['main_form_tags'])) {

////my added code ends here

Now  voting buttons are inside a_item_content but somehow "ask related question", "edit" and "flag" buttons are not active when they are pressed. How they can be related to a_item_content function  ?

"Comment" button works fine.

Q2A version: 1.7

1 Answer

0 votes
Why do not you deal with CSS? Do you want design that exceeds the limits of CSS?
Yes, i want to use space below votes for item content so votes would fit in text like this http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_layout_float (votes insdead image ofcourse).
btw can you convert your answer to comment ? thanks :)
Perhaps, your requests can be deal with CSS. My post will be answer for you. And, registered user can not convert own answer into the comment. If Scott thought my answer is comment, he will transfer it.