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Dear Community, 

Do you think that android and ios app for q2a based website can be designed with Phonegap? Or is there a running up-to-date android and ios app source code for q2a based website?

So far I only found this android source code: https://github.com/echteinfachtv/gmf-android-app

And this is hybrid app with mobile view, not the native app.

I also read below question, but most of them are very aged and not working (not helpful).

Any of you who has already adopted his/her q2a site into android and ios,  please share your source code as an template.

Also as far as I know, q2a also has API problem connecting website to app. 

Referring: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/47191/it-will-secure-and-a-good-api-for-the-q2a



EDIT:  I found a REST API designed by m1ky91. Has anyone tested it? Any documentation how it works? Link is here: https://github.com/m1ky91/q2a-rest-api

Q2A version: 1.7.4 fairly modified and customized
I found a REST API designed by m1ky91. Has anyone tested it? Any documentation how it works? Link is here: https://github.com/m1ky91/q2a-rest-api

1 Answer

+3 votes
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I developed Android app for q2a site. It is not free, currently using for personal sites. Here is apk and screenshot of  app. You can download and see how it works.

Basically, i'm using google feedburner, which pulls questions from site rss. This way site will not have any load from app. Once user clicks on question then it will show in mobile view theme.

Download apk from below folder and try, let me know if you see any issues.

You can develop native or using phonegap. There is one free app developed by NoahY, it is integrated with site. check this link.


please give me your app link.
I want to test it and know about its price.
Download apk from below folder and try, let me know if you see any issues.

This app is designed for this QA, you can see latest questions in each tab. I dont remember how frequently rss data is sync, you may see little delay in latest questions appearing.
I built an Android app of my Q2a website which works nicely mine wasn't built using Google feedburner though.