SnowFlat is a great theme but it contains a lot of colour which at some point kind of seems like childish. Although I was also the one who agreed to all those colors while the theme was in development but, after using it for such long I feel it's time to change.
SnowLight is basically minimalist version of SnowFlat only but, also with some distinct styling. The theme use less colour, less margin separators, circled user avatar, buttons with rounded corners, reduced top bar height and some more changes are also there.
If you like the theme then do leave your word for it (it helps me keep motivated). I also intend to keep modifying this theme in future so if anyone would like to join along, I would be glad.

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You can get the plugin here. Download
I haven't changed much of coding so it should work perfectly but, in case of any damage I won't be liable for any kind of compensation. You'll have to use this theme at your own risk, so try it out at your localhost first.