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+3 votes
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As the times move on, I think it's also time for a better, modern Logo design for Question2Answer.

I believe that with a fresh new logo design, this will inspire developers and enthusiasts to create more. Maybe even come up with a whole new theme design to fit the new logo.

I've been brainstorming over night and here's a few ideas I've come up with.

These logo ideas were created mostly with round and symmetrical shapes to represent harmony, and with the color blue to symbolize wisdom, confidence and intelligence. Which is what Questions and Answers is all about. The blue color can be changed afterwords, with the native orange if preferred, to keep the roots.

If any of these looks interesting, feel free to leave a comment below, or take some ideas to create a better version.

It would be cool if anybody with logo design skills also join this post and share your version with us.
We could vote for one we like most, and at the end work it out to make it official.

3 Answers

+3 votes

There already exists a shorter version of the logo (disregard pixelation :P)

The current favicon is the 2 that looks like a question mark.

Although I like your suggestions, and I even wonder what other users may come up with, for the time being, I'd say the current logo is good and smart enough to keep.

I'd rather suggest removing the long one and keeping the short one in most places.

Oh cool, i wasn't even aware this shorter version existed. Yes agreed, the longer version should be swapped for this one.
+1 vote
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I think it's time to change the logo

Frankly the current logo is ugly :)

It even disfigures the site in mobile version because it is too long

I find the logos that you proposed extraordinary, you just have to make some modifications

The logo number 4 seems original, it keeps the 2 which also makes an exclamation point.

Why not also change color in orange and the rest in white so that it can be used on the current theme ?
Thank you @codedz . Yes, I thought about that, but I think blue would be a better fit for this type of topic (Q&A). But I can make the adjustments if necessary :)
+1 vote
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These are from me


Ambitious clever and material .. how do you think?


(Moved all your contributions into one single answer)
Thanks for all your contributions @ismailusagim :)