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+4 votes
in Themes by
Cleanstrap is one of the best q2a themes but it seems like now cares about it.
Q2A version: 1.8.3
It is not. If I remember correctly it overrides a lot of Q2A functions and hence is a pain to maintain. Probably that's why it never got updated.
But this is one of the very best theme  in many q2a themes.  I'm willing to pay for the update of this theme.
If you pay well someone might do it. But what's the point of it when it's highly unlikely to work on Q2A 1.9 or 2.0? I would say to use Muffin theme or Donut. If you pay some good designer can easily get a skin on top of Donut.
One thing I hate about donut is that categories are displayed on every page. There should be an option for that.

1 Answer

0 votes
This theme was originally sold for $60 in 2013 but failed to get Purchases. They open-sourced it on GitHub but abandoned updates in 2017. You could probably get a developer to make a similar theme for you but I would recommend using a modern theme like SnowFlat, Muffin, or Donut.