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in Plugins by
I am trying to contact owner of this Plugin Ami, but no response any one has the idea about following issue with his plugin:

1>There is no option to flag spam article as its in question and answer of q2a section, is this missing or how could it be implemented , Note other feature like Edit, Hide, Close, Delete are there.

2> When someone adds blog post it does not increase Score, of that user. I can see In Admin there is section to add point for "Posting Question" , "Posting Answer" etc

but there is no option to configure points for "Adding Blog Posts"

Any body there to suggest these issues?
Blog points -- need to be handled externally. Blog flag -- I think it might be a bug - I'll check this as we use this. Unfortunately the plugin is not open source.
Thanks please let me know about Blog flag.
For blog point do i ask developer to put section in  Point for adding score for posting article, how did  you handle this?
What happens if we upgrade q2a or bog plugin with new version, does the code changes we have done is overridden, or do we need to maintain code repository to merge new version of code into existing version of code
Blog being a plugin won't have any issue with Q2A upgrades unless there is a poor code. I have been using since 1.6.3 and fine so far.

Blog points -- I do have another plugin to take care of point calculation which is custom for my site to add points for blogs and exams. This is a bit old code, but easily modifiable https://github.com/GATEOverflow/q2a-betterpoints
How do i use this plugin, do i need to change the code, I am not php programmer, can you guide me with steps to use it
Did u get chance to look at flag as spam in blog article section, Thanks for all ur replies
How do i use this plugin, do i need to change the code, I am not php programmer, can you guide me with steps to use it, also verification in your website does not send me email
You can probably install it like any other plugin. Ideally no code change should be required. For the email issue unfortunately I cant do anything at the moment - Microsoft just doesnt want people to use custom mail servers.

so there is no databases changes if i use that plugin, its not going to break any functionality of my site?
I checked your blog section i could not find flag/report as spam option
Also do u have idea if we can have features:
1. like (5,7 etc Min Read) on article page,
2. and option people can like that page so like count increases,
3. also to share that page in social media
The betterpoints plugin shouldnt break anything but affects the point calculation -- which anyway can always be reset on the admin page. But this can affect "Top Users" plugins etc which does monthly point calculations - so must be careful.

Regarding flag option on blogs - I also have never seen that to be honest. Was never a requirement for us also as blogs are less frequent than question/answers.

Like option for blogs -- we use the plugin by Pupi- slightly modified to work on blogs instead of questions.

Share on social media - had tried this long back but seems useless nowadays. The social integration SDKs are large and needs regular updates. Moreover their integration causes SEO to go down due to large js files - not sure how much bad this is. Anyway it is troublesome to maintain these APIs- so better to be without them IMHO.
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Thanks a lot
You plugin adds score for adding blog post, but it does not show score instantly or upon page refresh, I need to go to Admin>Points>Save and Recalculate
after this when i refresh profile page i see score increases for blog post i added earlier.
Is something wrong with plugin or I am not doing things right?
Please raise this issue in the GitHub page of plugin. Since blog posts are rare this might have been overlooked. Usually any event for a user triggers his point calculation. Probably blog post is currently not in this list of events. But say a user posts a blog and then a comment, his total score is updated. I think this is what is happening.
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will someone work on this if i raise it on GitHub how long it might take to get this fixed as i have urgent need, or can you guide me to someone who is willing to fix it ?

OR can you guide me where to put blog post in which events and where?
I'll fix it but can do only by first week of May. Code being open source you can ask any developer to do it as well but unfortunately I don't have anyone to recommend.

This is not a simple one line addition of a code but neither too complex.
can u direct me to which area of that code because i am also .net developer but don't know php, if u can give me some hint i can try
You need to catch the blog post event in an event module and inside that do point recalculate for the given user. If you check the q2a source similar code will be there for question post or answer post. So, it's mostly just copy paste. Im also not a PHP developer.
so this all has to be done in your plugin from github or also need to touch core code of q2a??
All possible in plugin
Is it possible for you to do it earlier for me i am ready to pay you
I'm sorry. I have bigger commitments to fulfill.

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