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in Q2A Core by

I have added google map by embedding code in custom message but i want that the user location to be displayed on that map while asking a question and i want to use open layer maps or leafjet maps.

Q2A version: 1.8.6
I think tracking a user's location is not good
agree with you
Im trying to build a user complaint system  its not tracking I want user to select from where they are having a complaint or issue so it can be answered by local user only
If the users didn't consent to it (and don't have an option to not consent, i.e. turn it off) that would AFAICS be a violation of the EU GDPR, meaning it could have legal consequences for you. You may want to consult a lawyer on that.
My country do not have any issues and im not in EU this question answer will be used for internal purpose only. can you guide how and which file need to edit to make changes
You only need one user from the EU to make you subject to the GDPR. But again, I recommend you consult a lawyer familiar with this topic.
As for my help: I'm a strong believer in privacy, so I'll pass.
are you from india , then Section 72 of the IT Act applies here too
Oh man you still not understanding any how im not asking for consult lawyer help
tracking any person by any means is illegeal everywhere {exception cops or other govt auth.}
Bharat Im trying to build a open complaint system where user it self choose the location using maps for example user want to raise complaint on pothole is not getting repaired  so he can add the location of pothole and the local users can give answers who to contact and ask for help.
no one is tracking any one
ohhh , then this not illegal in any means , i think q2a is not good for this type of website rather than you should purchase any social media scripts
Can you share some link of scripts
i think sngine or wowonder can do this
for demo you can use nulled version but dont use it for production
Thanks Bharat does it has some option like Questions answers
you can consider it as facebook clone , but if you search on codecanyon , tumko  jaisa chahiye waisa script mil sakta hai
Bharat im trying to build hyper local complaint system not social media
you should aproch a develper but codecanyon pe search kar sakte ho
already search on codecanyon none are available for hyper local questions answers
all i found is Google Neighbourly but its not any more
then you can also aproach a developer to create a plugin or can make changes in poll plugin to get what you want
any how can you guide how can I edit Ask a question page and features

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